Portrait of Robbie
Portrait of Robbie
Coming off the loss of my old border terrier bitch, Bansidhe, to cancer, I noticed that my old man Malinois, Robbie, was starting to show some white in the face, and act a little bit like an "old" dog. Sometimes it takes that sort of loss to remind you of the transient nature of our relationship with dogs. I realized that I had a few nice photos of Robbie, but nothing that was really a legacy. I decided to investigate portrait artists.
I happened to be sent to Cathy Moar’s page by someone, and I realized that this is the way I wanted to preserve the Robbie of my memory forever…a rock portrait. If you haven’t been to Cathy’s Webpage, Riverwolf Belgian Tervuren and Art Gallery, you should take a look. She does a fantastic job at capturing the essense of a dog. For me, this was the most important consideration. Robbie is no showdog…but he is a handsome dog, with a distinct glint of humor in his expression. This is what I wanted to preserve.
I contacted Cathy, sent some pictures, and then came the note…"take a look." I went to the page, and audibly gasped…It was a marvelous portrait of Robbie in his prime, full of the sparkle that is "Robbie." I couldn’t wait to see it in person.
It’s even more wonderful in person, and I’m so pleased I did this! It’s really easy to get caught up in the day to day, and forget that at some point these lovely animals will "exit stage left" and all we’ll have left are some scratched photos, a few ribbons and certificates, and memories. Now that Robbie is longer with us, I’m really glad that I have my lovely rock portrait to remind me of him.
Photo & Artwork © C. Moar 1998