Link’s Gallery
Baby Pictures
Fuzzbee 8w | Tug 13w | Tug 22w | Tug2 22w | Easter Egg Soccer 1 & 2 | Playbow – 12m | Which way? – 12m
Right-click and save Videos:
Ragwork 12w (AVI) | Boudin 12w (AVI) | Easter Egg Soccer (AVI) | Learning the Palisade 22w (AVI)
Handsome Man
Stalk 8w | 12w Headstudy w/Bunny | Stacked 12w | Belgian Red | Profile – 6m | Stacked – 6m | Stack – 10m | Headstudy – 10m | Stack – 12m | The teenage male brain | Headstudy – 16m
Easter Egg Soccer ’04 | Messenger dog | Tracking 2y | Hard surface tracking (indication) 2y | HST work 2y | Herding 1 | Herding 2 | Lure Coursing 1 | Lure Coursing 2 | Lure Coursing 3 | Sledding
Right-click and save Videos:
Easter Egg Soccer ’05 (Flash6) | Weave Poles (WMV) | (Flash) | Can’t ignore me (AVI) | (Flash)
Stack – 22m | Stack – 28m | Headstudy – 28m | Headstudy – 30m