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Alix’s Gallery

Alix - The good life (9 years)

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Baby Pix

Personality (9 weeks)

Earnest | Slide! | Stalk | Love a Bitch w/Ball Drive | Goof Off

Obedience (11 weeks)

Front | Foldback Down | Heeling

Stacked (9 weeks)

Side | Front | Rear



Eye | Esc 1 | Esc 2 | Tell us how you really feel | Transport | Coming Down | Tracking | Indication


Dogwalk | Tire | Wingless | Right Atcha | Weave! | Log Jump | Double Oxer | New Title


Courage Test (MPEG) | Retrieve on flat (WMV) | Retrieve over high jump (WMV) | Broad Jump (WMV)


Splash! | Water Dog


18 mo | 40 mo | Deputy Dog | Officer Friendly | Ledge | Laugh |
Headstudy | Cake… | Berries 8y | The good life 9y | Porch | Happy hunter


Christmas 2004 | Alix w/Santa | Ali, Rob, & Santa

Fun Stuff

Caricature | Float like a butterfly | Bunny Rabbit | Alix’s Hips

Photo Credits

Log Jump, Weave, and Double Oxer photos by Lori Nye, The Sports Xpress Photography. Tire by Tien Tran. 18 month portrait by Donna Dombourian. Santa photos by The Imagery. Caricature by McCartney. Recent bitework shots by Kathy Champine. Courage test video by Mark Plonsky. Hip x-ray by Causeway Animal Hospital.


The Malinut Page is the product of Jona Decker and the 'Nuts of south central Wisconsin.


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